Human Nature
Why is it that we are always in awe for things that we dont have? A very difficult question isnt it. I used to think I wasnt going to be too excited if I come face to face with a celebrity, after all they were just doing their job arent they! But then when I did have a chance, I acted like a 5 year old kid! All excited, heart racing, feeling so ecstatic. The celebrity was just a TV actor but yet somehow I was drawn into the glamour of it.
Come to think of it now, I laugh at myself for acting so stupid. When I met this person at the airport, he probably was on a holiday and going back home. He was with his family and in fact he was in a argument with his wife. But I didnt see all that, I just saw him. All eyes, all heart!! I knew it was his private time but still I went up to him and spoke to him. He was kind enough to oblige but I guess I was wrong to do that. Hysteria!
Actually it took me a while to settle down and come back to normal. I feel funny abt this whole incident. Its like I didnt know I could do this. Anyways it was defintely an experience to remember.