Just abt anything....
Live ur life to the fullest, u dont get a second chance!
Earth Hour 2009 by WWF - Sign up for Earth Hour!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Out of Action
As they say in college slang - Long time No see! I havent been seen around Blogger for a long long time. Nothing intentional but things just piled up! First, I got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooo!!! And guess what in the first interview I gave. After all that fear about interviews and my writing abt it in the blogs, it feels so good to be working again. I guess discussing it openly has helped me immensely. Special thanks to Srijith and Samy for their pep comment ! :)
Ok, moving on, this year my birthday was on the same day as Diwali so had a "Double Dhamaka"! Actually diwali day didnt seem like Diwali here in Singapore. No crackers, no sounds, no rockets nothing!! It was kind of sad and I missed Chennai so much on that day! Chennai or for that matter most cities in India would have been bursting with life on Diwali day! And the nights would have been decorated by the rockets.......I missed it so so much. Anyways I did have a great time, as we had some friends over at our place for dinner. Ofcourse I didnt cook but ordered from outside! I used some candles to brighten up the atomsphere and this was our way of connecting with our culture.
Friends had bought a cake and bouquet for me so it was quiet memorable. I felt like a little kid who got everything she asked for. Thanks to all our friends for the lovely time we had. After such nice time, I really didnt feel like going to work, but then life is not always a bed of roses.
Friday, October 06, 2006
For the first time...

Last weekend I went for my first Cable Car ride and boy! it was a bit scary for me. I hate heights and water too. And the cable car connecting Sentosa island to mainland Singapore is a combo of both these fears.....the cable car goes rite across the sea. Its a short ride but for me it was quite unnerving.

I was so scared that I didnt want anybody moving around and whenever the cable car shook, I literally was imagining falling into the water. Not knowing how to swim was another reason my fear so was strong. Anyways I somehow survived the ride.
There happened to be a Star Cruise ship "Gemini" docked and the cable car went rite above the ship, so got a close up look into the luxury cruise.
In all had fun and hopefully i get to do something new next weekend too. Like the Emirates ad "When was the last time u did something for the first time?" How about u?