Sights and tastes of summer.

Rows of watermelons,

tender coconut,

juicy yellow mangoes (esp bangnapalli),
fresh tender cucumber (veliri pinju) all lined up neatly in the vendor's push carts, and not forgettting the bunches of palm kernels (nungu) hung from those road side trees by vendors......thanda thanda lime juice, fresh sugarcane juice with lemon ........piles of earthen pots waiting to be taken home and filled with cool water.......waiting impatiently to be taken to the beach..........

a new flavour of icecream to try every night.............
sleeping under the stars at night.
Some of the most unforgettable summer experiences of my life.
Photo credit :
Ohhhhhh>>>I want sugarcane NOW!!! I absolutey love tht sugarcane juice..Ahd the good opportunity to drin it for 5 years when I was in college as we had a fruit juice shop which has sugarcane juice opposite college....
Lovely days...Banganapalli, is tht not a bangalore variety? I substitute it with mango icecream... :)
here in singapore, one the most popular juice is sugarcane with a slice of lemon. hmmm super cooling drink. second comes barley, though i dont like it much, too sweet.
banganapalli is a andhra variety, most sought after variety.
Everything is delicious and my favourites. I used to love eating sugarcane as a child sometimes with lemon smeared all over it. I especially love sleeping under the stars.
no prbs with sugarcane juice for me! anyways no surprise i forgot water....cause i never ever had enough of it. we r supposed to have 8 litres a day and i hardly get past 1 litre per day even now.
@ the comments you made in my blog about Family,
That is like going to extremes...brahmin conservative family to a christian conversavtive family. You would have gone through many stuff. You are so lucky that you have a wonderfuly families on both sides to support you.
Your strict father taught you how to be strong and independant. Great!
Yes, friendship and love is a relative thing. I think for me, without friends it is difficult.
You said it wisely - Every relationship needs trust, respect and space.
ah ah ah ah////
i am so angry at Mother Nature. It is cold though it is end of spring in paris and all the fruits and ice-creams ...yummy...i dream !!! I can only dream...
Great Photos ? Taken BY You ??
Dhanush - Unfortunately, no. I picked them up from Usually, the credits are visible in the photo....missed it this time.
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