All I wanted to do was get some books......

It was a hot afternoon and I was in the community libary searching for some books to read. I was pulling out some books off the rack when I saw a pair of lips interlocked on the other side. My first reaction was amusement, and I started to laugh. I must have startled the couple, for they paused for a couple of seconds and then to my surprise, just got back to what they were doing. For a second I was embarrassed, for it was like I didn’t exist. I just dumped the books and moved on to another row. After some time I returned to the row to continue my search. This time there was no one about and I was kind of relieved. Was just walking out with my book, when I caught a pair of mismatched legs at one blind corner. Now I was more than curious, I didn’t care if I was interrupting or anything, I just walked up the corner and was met with the same couple in….ahem……an embrace….that’s decently putting it. This time I had a better look at the pair, both in school uniform, just about 15-16 maybe much younger. Now, I couldn’t just stand there looking at them, so I walked…..rather jumped over them….and went to another section and started browsing through the books. Inside my head, I was asking myself “Am they disturbing me or am I?”. I frankly didn’t know. I just finished my browsing and walked out, and as for the couple, I think they must have just continued on.
That's a nice experience....I have seen these kind of couples on movies and it was so romantic..Ofcourse there was no interlocking but just the first was really romantic...Good question" were you interrupting them or were they?"...My say is neither....though a library is not a place for PDA, but they are kids right....:) :)
You have managed to get a good pic which is so relevant to the post!
Oh yes...heard of such torrid stories before...but never came across one of those situations...kind of jealous !!!
15-16 is ok I guess..I think this morning I saw a couple in school uniform kissing heavily and they couldnt have been older than 10-12!
Romantic I must say. Library is peaceful and quiet , perfect setting for romance.and perfect getaway for a couple of kids whose parents think they are looking up reference books.
Starry Nights.....when did parents start thinking like this??????????????????????????
Scribblez : Romantic situation yes but looking at them it didnt look romantic....more like getting the best out of the situation either way! They were so mechanical!!!!!!!! Gosh, I sound like I was observing all the time....yuck!
Prash : U r most welcome to have swapped places with me!
Keshi : I have seen some ah-so-romantic scenes in eatouts like KFC and BurgerKing. Mostly the just around 10-12 age group....its so surprising for me........I never realised kids that age are so "active"! I feel so grown up now!!!! Aus its quite normal...lil kids have GFs n BFs and oh they start life pretty early :):)
as long as they don't mind your presence, you are not disturbing them:-)
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