Interview Blues

I have this real problem with interviews, I just dont seem to get out of this fear. Actually this fear is bugging me so much that I thought i will write about it and see if that helps. Sometimes pouring out helps.
Cant really pinpoint why this started but I did have 2 experiences where I was roasted, toasted and finally left wondering "do i really know something?". The first was a panel interview at ISRO where 9 ppl were firing questions at me and i couldnt answer many questions. And to top it all, when one guy asked me why I applied for this post, I replied......."I was jobless so applied"- I couldnt believe i said that!!!! Second was an interview which was meant for elimination....and believe me it was. The questions asked were totally from areas i didnt specialize in and also it was a phone interview and I was totally uncomfortable. I was totally devastated after that, it made me feel so worthless.
Its not like I dont know anything and that's why I fear being interviewed, I know am kind of fine when it comes to technical stuff. Am good at communication too. Then, what is it that I really fear? I fear that when I dont know something that is asked, what impression will that person have!!! I keep thinking about whether the person will think that am not competent and in this process loose concentration. Many ppl have told me that its better to say you dont know than cook up something, and I agree. But i get so tongue-tied when i dont know the answer, and from then on its like a big tension. I keep thinking of that and fail to move on.
I feel so miserable being like this! This is now affecting my chances of getting a job. Many ppl have told me its 30% technical knowledge and 70% communication is what wins an interview. I think am quite good at communication skills but all that fails when am in an interview. I literally get a panic attack. I have read about interview skills, heard ppl on how to tackle it and it looks easy but when I actually need to do it, I somehow cant!!
How do i get over this fear......? I dont exactly know but am trying. This time I have decided come what may (that's what my husband says....) am attending any interview i get and going to give my best. I hope soon i can throw this fear out and be the confident me that I am ..........expect when am in an interview.
Hi Madhu,
This is a common problem most people face. They assume that all questions have answers, which they dont. If there is something you do not know, you are in no way disadvantaged when you tell you do not know.
If you feel you do not know something, one method to improve your situation is to follow a step by step process.
1. Ask for more information about the question, like in what context it is asked and so on. The question might get rephrased and you might end up answering it.
2. Find out under what topic this question comes and whether it is related to your skill set and the job requirement, an area where you are obviously experienced, just a check so that if the question does not come under your area of interest , you can say "I do not know" much more confidently.
3. By the time you come to this step you have totally realized that this is something you are supposed to know but have forgot or are totally lost. At this stage what you need is to relax. Give a big smile, and tell them how you do not know the details right now.
Wish you all the best.
With Best Regards,
Srijith Unni.
okie definitely my forte ... yes I do have butterflies in my stomach only until I get to give em a blow
1st of all ... never sound desperate ... keep up ur importance ... they need u as much as u need the job ... learn to accept rejection with a smile
2nd try making sense of their q with some clarifications ... if not wait for em to finish their tirade :) then u fire them ... this works everytime
In the last 3 interviews I'v had I did miserable technically ... tho I rated myself @ 8/10 ... n when they ask y am I not so gud as I think I am ... I make em feel more miserable n insipid by asserting their evaluation method is archaic ... n time n again they make a gr8 offer ;)
do know ur forte ... know how u can corner the interviewers when they begin to corner u ... when they make me feel I dun know a lot I return the favour ... but I accept my inability ... tho I weaken their confidence in their testing methodology nicely tho ;) (not everybody knows everything) ... which invariably gives me an offer
even if you give a wrong answer be confident about it n have cogent a explanation for it ... anyone can go wrong ... no qualms ... what u learn is subject to exposure ... what counts is ur ability to learn quickly ... not what u remember
they test your confidence / composure / clarity of thought / ability to handle pressure / comprehension ability / expression whilst technical comes last
fear is fine madhu ... use it to make ur way
remember they r not ur enemies trying to dust u off ... befriend em with a smile & confidence ... be shameless n candid in accepting when u dun know something
prepare for this question - "tell me about your self ... u'v got 5/10 mins to convince why u fit in for this job" ... stand before the mirror n speak up with relevance to the job ur seeking
hope this helps
hey srijith, thanks..! will try and keep this in mind...feeling much better now after writing about it and getting it out of my system.
thanks a bunch samy....u guys are already making me feel better :) u know whenever anybody asks me to rate myself, i always say average! now i guess i need to re-evaluate myself. have been thinking abt what and how i will answer questions. thanks again.
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